Coaches Corner
Turn It Up, Santa’s Listening …
It’s hard to believe we’re in full holiday season mode. Many of us in radio can forget sometimes that we’re a part of the audience. The best way to stay in touch with the real world is to use this time of year to recharge our inner core. Most importantly, make sure you stay in step with the average listener.
Tis The Season…
One of the best lessons I ever learned happened during the holidays happened when I was working in Northern California’s Bay area. I was out Christmas shopping and decided to go car shopping, too. The salesman I was dealing with was polite. He showed me a couple of cars and then pulled out one of his business cards and gave it to me. He said, “If you see something you like, I’ll be right over here.” I liked his approach because he wasn’t pushy.
Under The Mistletoe…
The dealership had a sale going on and there were people everywhere, free food, a clown, balloons, a Christmas tree, and Santa Claus. Holidays in the Bay area were like nothing I had ever experienced. But with everything that was going on, the one thing that caught my attention the most was a room off to itself which I later found out was the general manager’s office. He was in there alone, with the door open.
Up & Down…
Every time I was within an ear shot of that office, I noticed his radio was sometimes up real loud and sometimes it wasn’t. I knew it was his radio because he was listening to one my direct competitors in the market–I heard some imaging while I was eavesdropping.
I hung out near that office so long that they might’ve thought I was a spy for another dealership. But it was my curiosity they kept me close to that room. What I figured out was that whenever a song came on that the general manager liked, he turned the volume up and if it was something he didn’t like as much, he turned it down.
Message Received…
That holiday moment reminded me of a simple programming must: always make music the centerpiece. Play back-to-back songs that the majority of your target audience perceives as hits. The goal is to make listeners turn up the volume at home, work, or in their car.
Some Down Time…
Take time this time of year to reflect and connect, not just with your family and friends, but with your audience too. Happy Holidays!”
And if you need some friendly advice, drop me an email; or text me, (972) 672-4812.