10 Question Revisit
10 Questions Revisit with Armand ‘DJ Q’ Flowers
Name: Armand “DJ Q” Flowers
Title: Content Director (PD)
Station: WGZB B96.5/WMJM Magic 101.3
Market: Louisville, Kentucky
Company: Alpha Media/Louisville
Social Media: Instagram
1) Whose had the biggest influence on your career?
My mother & father encouraged my music interest early on by purchasing my 1st boom-box in the 4th grade. My friend Greg Martin would send dub-tapes from Brooklyn, NY., and that was my school of learning about Mixshows, imaging, drops and engagement from 98.7 KISS-FM and 107.5 WBLS. I’ve been influenced early on by DJ Red Alert, Chuck Chillout, Kid Capri and DJ Marley Marl, because I was exposed to their Mixshows and they pioneered well rounded radio shows that set the tone for hip-hop culture.
My introduction started in high school with DJ John Martin and DJ Murda One mentoring me while they attended Indiana State University. After college, I relocated to Louisville, Ky. DJ B Real, Mark Gunn, Phillip David March, “Brown” and Ben Davis were instrumental in my journey from Mixshow DJ to becoming Program Director.
2) How do you view your role as a program director?
Being a PD isn’t about just programming but leading your team to new heights and levels in their careers. It’s more about team, connection, and being a teacher. Not being threatened by talent, but welcoming talent as part of your legacy.
3) What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
“Don’t let radio use you, use radio.” I understood that to mean, use your platform to reach as many people and leave as big of an impression as possible because radio is the best way to brand yourself daily, and reach the most people at any given time.
4) How do you see terrestrial radio’s future?
Radio is the best local tool for information. The only thing that will change is people’s listening habits and how they’re exposed to new and charted music.
5) What was your journey into radio like?
I transitioned to not just be a mixtape, club, tour or Mixshow DJ when I realized I was missing the personality side by not having a full-time on-air shift and really building an organic following.
6) Is there a promotion that sticks in your mind to this day?
Creating a Christmas promotion with Mar Brown (R.I.P.) and giving kids in my community one of the best Christmas promotions over the last decade with the best giveaway
7) If it hadn’t been radio, what career path would you have chosen?
Music production. I still make beats on my MPC 2000XL or MPC Studio Models.
8) What advice do you give people just getting into this business?
Everybody is not your friend. Real relationships are hard to come by. Be yourself and be a “straight shooter.
9) Why are you still in radio?
If you love what you do, coming in early, and staying late pays off. Daily team huddles, show prep, scheduling, sales, programming meetings etc. It’s make for a full and rewarding day.
10) Is there any one thing you’re most proud of?
Giving my co-workers and community the vision that they can have a career in radio and being successful in helping grow the culture and community.